Monday, 18 May 2015

                                                           MUM VS DAD

Mothers this year are getting all they want with brekfast in bed with a nice cold drink but most people or kids like Mum more but who do you think will win?...

Image result for homer simpson    GO DAD             GO MUM        Image result for simpsons marge

Leave your votes in the commets      p.s I vote for Mum


  1. I forgot to leave the link for it sorry here it is

  2. Kenny & Jordan Halsey Drive School Rm219 May 2015 at 12:04

    I think dads will win because they do more work then mums.Here is the link to our blog:
    Kenny and Jordan HDS Rm2

  3. I liked your photo because it looks funny and is a clever shot.
    l look forward to your next post keep up the great work and looking forward to your next post.

    By Luana-Nan.

  4. I liked your photo because it looks funny and is a clever shot.
    l look forward to your next post keep up the great work and looking forward to your next post.

    By Luana-Nan.

  5. i love it because it my favreit when i do love it because i had a movie at my house i love it by ariana

  6. i loe ti more because its. when i do i see ti that my mum is going out with my dad

  7. that is cool I have a movie like that by Leitisia

  8. i love your thing its so good and so beutiful by Leitisia

  9. It's a bit sad to do that to your parents.Ultimately I think I would vote for Dad's because I know that so many people would vote for thier Mum's.P.S:your link doesn't work.

  10. It's a bit sad to do that to your parents.Ultimately I think I would vote for Dad's because I know that so many people would vote for thier Mum's.P.S:your link doesn't work.

  11. Well mums rock bacause they cook,clean,washing and looked after you when you were a kid.I love my dad 2 dads rock to so thanks 4 listening.


  12. Hi my name is Kauri. I'm from Kawakawa primary. I think dad should win because if you are going on a roller coaster you always have someone by your side.

  13. I think i'm going for dads because dads rock
