Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Bullying has to STOP

Take a long hard look at yourselve's people.Are you a bully ?.Are you the kind of person who likes to make people suffer.If you are,then why do you really make people feel horrible.Think about that question.It doesn't matter if it's a kid,a friend,a loved one or even your teachers and principal.It is NOT good.Kids all around are terryfied of bullies.Arguments lead to fights,fights lead to bullying and bullying leads to the ultimate consequence . . . suicidal thought and suicaidal thoughts lead to death,pain and blood . . .And if you had to bare with the fact that someone had killed or hurt themselves because you bullied them,your life would never be the same again.You can't bully if everyone you bully is dead.But you do have a chance to change.You can stop by saying these 5 simple words."I will never bully again".That can change everything.People won't beleive you at first,but you can show them you're different.You can change.think about it.
Image result for suicide
You don't want to do this to someone.
   -By Tui

Here are some links.
The anti bullying song

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