Friday, 15 May 2015

Boy smuggled into spain in suitcase

boy smuggled into spain into suitcase.

Where?This boy was traveling around in a suitcase and ended up in spain  at the airport.
What?This boy was in a suitcase and they scaned it and it and was not in right shape.
Why?Because a ninty year old women was payed to smuggle him from the dad.And he the son will be renited with his son again.
Who?The main person of this article was the 8 year old boy and the dad.
How? He is very lucky he is a live.
Ana Davis


  1. That is so lucky he is alive and we cant what to see him back with his dad.

  2. he is lucky that he is alive with his dad and that is a great writting ana
    by Leitisia
