Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Our new room!

Walking through the building

Yesterday our new learning space was opened.  We have been patiently waiting for the builders to finish.  Everyone was very impressed.

Kaumatua came to bless the new space and parents and whanau came to see too.

Following the Kaumatua
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Our new maths area

Reading together
Finding new places to read.

Lots of people worked very hard during the holidays to get the rooms ready for the opening.  Mrs Tate, Mrs Rushton, Miss Bolton, Whaea Delaine and Graeme spent A LOT of time at school making sure the room was ready.

Aren't we lucky!

What is your favourite part of our new space?  Write a comment to tell us.


  1. Our new class is really cool. My favourite area is the Art Space. By Susana.

  2. I like my class room because it is really cool.My best area is the art space.And I love it in our new class room plus our new class has an new name is the MLE.Miracle

  3. The first day Kaumatua blessed the new class rooms all of us had to touch the walls and everything he blessed in the class rooms the new class rooms are called south MLE and north MLE i like the art space and library corner Mrs Rushton's class room is the north MLE and Miss Boltons's is south MLE.By Susana

  4. Our new class room is fantastic. My favourite part is the art area and the library corner and finally the whole space Miss Tate thought about our new name and now its MLE short for Modern Learning Environment. BY ofa

  5. We have a new classroom too, but it is for the junior kids. We are year 4 kids. We really like your new classroom. What is your favourite part?

    From Room 8, Matarau School

  6. wow it looks really cool from regan las.
